About Us

Healthy Food for You

iVendd is your healthy food vending partner at your workplace. With busy personal life and super busy professional life, food is most neglected thing in the day to day life. We are committed to bring healthy food to workplaces in most convenient way to you.

Food around workplaces are often junk food, sugary drinks and full of fats. These foods lack in nutrition and are not convenient to grab. iVendd with state of the art vending machines has brought to you, healthy food vending options at workplace.

iVendd has jumped on the bandwagon to solve this challenge which is most precious thing but often neglected in our life. We make healthy snacks and beverages available in vending machines, which is not far from your working place. We understand that variety is the spice of life and iVendd provides it through vending machines that are not just smart but also healthy. Hence our vending machines stock fruit juices, yogurts, cereal bars, multi-grain cookies, dry fruits, dark chocolate, oats & cornflakes, noodles, buttermilk and soya milk.

iVend was established with moto to provide VaaS(Vending as a Service) to bring in healthy food to you. Our main focus is to create happy work environment by satiating your hunger pangs with healthy snacks & beverages. With this focus, we have introduced premium vending services at the comfort and convenience of your workplace. We constantly provide the best snacks & beverages tailored to your needs.